Estate Planning for People Under 40 | The Law Offices of Hoyt & Bryan

Estate planning mistakes can derail your best efforts to protect your family’s finances after your death. Everyone can benefit from an estate plan, a process that entails getting your financial affairs in order so that your assets and possessions get passed on to the people or organizations you want to inherit them. 

Having a comprehensive estate plan will also save your heirs from the pain and expense of determining how to allocate your money and property while they’re grieving your loss.

But creating an estate plan can be complex and emotionally challenging, which may explain why less than one in three Americans have a will or any estate planning documents and around 25% of those without a will said they don’t ever plan on creating one.

To this end, here are seven common estate planning mistakes to avoid. 

1. Procrastination

You certainly don’t want to become incapacitated because of a health emergency, such as a stroke or heart attack, and lack of an estate plan. According to a recent study, 40% of Americans without a will said they plan on waiting for a medical diagnosis to create a will. Don’t wait to get your estate plan in order.  

2. Leaving Loved Ones Uninformed 

Sharing your estate plan with your family and heirs can help prevent confusion, conflict, and unnecessary stress in the future. Sit down with the relevant people and have an open conversation about your intentions.  

3. Keeping Estate Planning Documents in a Safe Deposit Box 

Don’t keep your estate documents in a safety deposit box or other place that’s difficult to access. A corollary to number 2, above, inform your appointed executor or trustee, and your estate lawyer, where the original documents are located and copies.

4. Missing Key Documents

An incomplete estate plan can create confusion — and the potential for disputes among heirs when you pass. Make sure your plan includes these essential documents: 

  • Last will and testament. Often simply referred to as a “will,” a last will and testament outlines your final wishes and instructions for the distribution of your assets and the management of your affairs after you pass. 
  • Beneficiary designations. Make sure to assign beneficiaries for 401(k) and IRA accounts, pensions, and life insurance policies.
  • Durable power of attorney for medical care. This appoints a person to make medical decisions for you, on your behalf, should you become mentally incapable of making them yourself.
  • Advanced Directive. This instructs your family and doctors to use or not to use life support. 
  • Durable financial power of attorney. This assigns an individual to manage your assets if you become incapacitated. 
  • Funeral instructions. Specify whether you’d like a burial or a cremation and the type of funeral service you want.
  • Proof of identity. Gather your social security card, birth certificate, marriage and/or divorce certificate, and any prenuptial agreements. 
  • Deeds or loans for large assets. Collect this paperwork for homes, boats, and other big assets.  


Many people forget to account for their digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies, social media accounts, cloud storage, and digital files when creating an estate plan.

6. Not Updating Your Plan

Failing to review and revise your estate plan after major life events — a marriage, divorce, birth of children or grandchildren, or the acquisition of new assets — can lead to consequences, such as assets being passed to the unintended beneficiaries.  

7. Appointing The Wrong Executor or Trustee

Choosing someone who may have a conflict of interest can lead to problems when it comes time for them to administer your estate. Select an individual (or individuals) who are unbiased, and get their permission before you assign them as an executor or trustee.