Let’s look at two people who die in the same car accident. It’s a tragedy for both of them and their families. But the impact on their loved ones is ...
Medical and financial powers of attorney should be signed before anything goes wrong, so it’s a good idea to get them before your adult child goes to college. Did you ...
Property, such as your home, held in an irrevocable trust “that is not included in the taxable estate at death” will no longer receive a step-up in basis. Here’s why ...
HERE ARE 4 THINGS TO CONSIDER Heirs receiving an inheritance can expect the process to take time. Having a plan for the money and consulting with professionals are also things ...
Legal documents such as durable financial and healthcare power of attorney and a directive to physicians can give parents the legal right to make decisions if their child needs help. ...
A trust is a legal arrangement where one party, the trustee, holds and manages assets on behalf of another party, the beneficiaries. The way a trust is taxed depends on ...
When you picture a child who has a trust fund, you probably envision someone who is wealthy, spoiled, and entitled. If that’s the image in your head, you may not ...
A Trust Protector is someone with special power over a trust. The Trust Protector is not the Trustee, although in some documents they could be called a Special Co-Trustee or ...
On March 24, the Washington Supreme Court ruled 7-2 to UPHOLD Washington’s 7% tax on the sale of assets that generate capital gains in excess of $250,000 in a calendar ...
Before you add to your estate planning documents the names of the people you want to carry out your wishes, consider these tips. Death and incapacity are hard topics to ...